Why Horsemanship through Leadership

My intention for this blog is to offer a resource I wish I had as I moved along my horsemanship journey. The clinics I attended were too far apart for the right sequential learning to happen, my horse and I were in a beautiful but isolated spot and I often felt unsure as to the progress we were making. The advice, the videos the examples demonstrated rarely seemed to reflect the problems I seemed to encounter with my horse.

In hindsight I realise what I faced with my horse stemmed from the same place and it was only through repetition and making the same mistake I started to recognise my horse was simply reflecting my own bad behaviours. Horsemanship is not extrinsic - it is not about the awards or the ribbons, it is about the internal journey we must make in order to become a better person, both with horses and those around us.

I'd be happy to chat with you if you are in need of additional support in your horsemanship journey.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Online horsemanship tips to help you in your journey. If your desire is to develop a solid relationship with your horse and experience lightness and willingness in your horse, then I hope this blog will help you.

Whether you have recently started your journey or are well along and looking for support. I will be posting tips, videos and links to other resources you might find helpful.

I've been riding horses as long as I can remember and blogging for a couple of years. So it has taken me a while to tie what I know about horses to a useful source for others. This site will be about things I've learned and if I'm lucky how that can help you. I recognise it's great to have people to follow in your horsemanship journey I've found it can be also challenging when you only cross paths with them once or twice a year.

So this online source is for anyone local, regional or international who might be interested. It will be a combination of written and video additions so what you read might be complemented by what I can show you. If you are local - I'd love to meet you. Looking forward to this.

Nancy - Blogging from Balzac, Alberta Canada

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